Google somehow found a way to make Glass look even nerdier. On Tuesday the company posted photos of the next version of Glass to its official Google+ page and we can’t help but notice how much worse the second generation Glass looks compared to the original.
Even though most of the design went unchanged, this new version of Glass features an unsightly mono earbud that plugs into the charging port and makes you look even more like an android. The second generation of Glass will reportedly support an upcoming line of shades and prescription frames, but it doesn’t seem like this version of Google’s fancy face computer will be compatible with your current glasses either.
The bone-conduction speaker in the first generation of Glass may not have had the best audio performance, but this new mono earbud seems more like a last minute solution than a suitable alternative. Having the earbud plug into the charging port makes it that much more likely that you’ll end up losing it since you’ll need to unplug it every time you need to charge up your Glass. (Something you’ll probably end up having to do pretty often.)
It was very clear that the original Glass was a prototype, but these images don’t exactly inspire confidence in Google’s high tech wearable. Hopefully this is just one of many hardware revisions, because if Glass were released in its current state it’d be worse off than Samsung’s ill-conceived Galaxy Gear smartwatch.
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