Monday, February 13, 2012

The Land of Earth Muffin: This kid's gotta get out more...

Little M. has been invited to a Valentine party...a Valentine TEA party, to be precise.?

He doesn't like tea.

Did I tell her that?? He doesn't like tea and he doesn't want to drink it at the party.?

Did I tell her that?

The invitation came, via Facebook, a few weeks ago.? I didn't mention it to him right away.? When he knows of an upcoming event that he's not quite sure he's excited about, the questions and musings are relentless.? I waited until the party was just a week away, then I mentioned it.?

"Hey, Little M., you like to play at G, V and L's house, don't you?? Did you know that they are having a Valentine party next Saturday?? You're invited.? That'll be fun, won't it?"

He agreed that it would be fun, but wanted to know what they would be doing at the party.? Since I really didn't know, I just told him that everyone was bringing one special Valentine to be part of an exchange and there would be snacks.? He's always up for any event where snacks are served.? We talked about what he would need in order to make a special Valentine, and that was that.?

Until I screwed up.

A few days later I said, "Little M., I brought home some of the craft supplies you'll need to make your Valentine for the tea party."

DAMMIT!? I forgot to leave out the word "tea"!? Little M. has always, ALWAYS, had an unreasonable aversion to tea.? Hates it.? HATES IT.? I'd been doing so good, leaving out the fact that this was a "tea" party, and now I just blew it.?

"TEA PARTY?!?? I don't like tea.? I don't want to drink tea.? Did you tell V's mom that I don't like tea?? I don't want to go to a party if there is going to be tea there.? I don't like tea and I don't want to drink tea."

I tried, in vain, to reassure him that he would NOT have to drink tea at the party.? He was not to be swayed.? He did NOT like tea and he would NOT drink it and he did NOT want to go to a party if there was going to be tea there.?

Like I said, an UNREASONABLE aversion to tea.

A day later I was able to talk him down off the ledge.? "Little M., if you don't want to drink tea, no one is going to make you drink tea.? I will let V's mom know that you don't like tea.? I'm sure she'll have something besides tea to drink.? You don't want to miss out on a party with your friends just because there is going to be tea there, do you?? That would be silly.? We go to Aunt L.'s house every 4th of July for a fish fry even though we don't eat fish, don't we?? We still have a good time and there's always plenty of other things for us to eat.? Just forget about the tea and think about how nice it'll be to spend an afternoon with your friends."

He agreed and started coloring some hearts that I'd printed for him to glue onto his Valentine for the party.?

The next day I was hanging some recently washed coffee mugs on our pegs...

And I made another mistake, though my intentions were honorable.? Little M. was approaching meltdown mode over a homework paper, so in an attempt to distract him I said, "Hey, Little M., come here and choose which cup you're going to take to the tea party on Saturday."?

He gave me a "look".? He reminded me that he does NOT like tea and he's NOT going to drink tea so he does NOT need to take a cup to the party.?

I told him that invitation said to bring a favorite tea cup and even if he doesn't want to drink tea he should still bring a cup because surely he'll be drinking something.? I thought he'd want to do this part, we never let him even touch our coffee mugs because he has a habit of breaking them.? I thought for sure he'd choose Big M.'s Simpson's coffee mug.?

Instead, he said, "These aren't teacups.? They're coffee mugs."


I explained that we don't have any actual teacups except for the one with the broken handle that the cat drinks out of, so he should just choose one of our coffee mugs.? "You could take the one with Bart Simpson on it.? Or this one is from the Krispy Kreme store.? This one has a man playing a horn on it, Dad got that one at the Jazz Museum.? What about Mom's blue one with the peace signs?"?

He stared at the mugs, deep in thought.? "The brown one.? I want to take the brown one with the words on it.? Can you get it down for me so I can read it?? Then I'll know what it says when I get to the party and I can read it to everyone."


This is the one he's talking about:

What ensued was a good 20 minutes of discussion as to why this is not an appropriate mug to take to a Valentine tea party for children, with Mr. EM giggling in the background and not being the slightest bit helpful.? The discussion ended with Little M. skulking out of the room saying, "Fine.? I'll just take the stupid blue mug with the stupid peace signs on it."

And now the party has been postponed until next Saturday, so we have another week to get through before this whole ordeal is over.?




rawhide bigfoot tony romo twilight zone sandra dee nfl draft 2012 december 21 2012

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